The bag is perfect for a sock project from Stuck in Illinois. They are a great deal and the cost includes shipping ($10). This is one of my favorite yarns and you may remember it from my Romantic Comedies club I was in.
Isn't this the cutest stitch marker?
And the last club shipment this month was my Seven Deadly S(p)ins -- SLOTH.
The hat pattern, even though is is sloth-like, is a litle over-my-head, so it may be something I work on later when I am feeling adventurous. The black ball is angora to line the ear flaps.
So many projects, so little time!
Isn't this the cutest stitch marker?
And the last club shipment this month was my Seven Deadly S(p)ins -- SLOTH.
The hat pattern, even though is is sloth-like, is a litle over-my-head, so it may be something I work on later when I am feeling adventurous. The black ball is angora to line the ear flaps.
So many projects, so little time!